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Selectboard Minutes 09/19/16
Town of Princeton, Mass. – Sept. 19, 2016 – 5 PM
BOARD OF SELECTMEN – Regular Meeting Minutes  

Chairman Stan Moss, Edith Morgan and Jon Fudeman present. In the following actions, all BOS votes were preceded by a motion from Jon F. and seconded by Edith M. unless noted otherwise.

5 PM   Stan opened meeting at Princeton Center and Treasurer/Collector Jim Dunbar announced that the LAND grant for $400,000 was received today, as reimbursement to the town for the Fieldstone Farm purchase. He then distributed documents for a re-financing of the Bond Anticipation Note (BAN) for $1.2 million for the broadband make-ready project. The original BAN was only good for one year.
Of three bids, the lowest interest rate submitted was .9% from Century Bank. The BOS voted all in favor to accept the bid from Century Bank and they signed all the loan documents.
5:10 PM  Bruce Jacobson was in to show selectmen his landscaping proposal for the frontage of 194 Worcester Road, replacing the chain-link fence. The Planning Board had reviewed the plan on Sept. 7, but could not approve it without permission from BOS since it appeared that trees and foliage were planted in the road right-of-way on town property. The foliage is pushed outside of the lot line because the space from the building to the fence is so narrow, Bruce explained. He insisted he was seeking an attractive solution to defining the property’s frontage, when selectmen suggested something like a simple post or split-rail fence just to replace the chain link. Selectmen wanted input from DPW Supt. Glenn Lyons and will have Bruce on agenda for Oct. 3 meeting.
        Selectmen considered a request for a meeting with Mark Ayotte but took no action.
5:30 PM  Selectmen had voted on Sept. 7 to pursue a cable TV franchise as the broadband solution, after Comcast finally sent a letter of intent. Stan crafted letters to Dept. of Telecommunications and Cable in Boston asking for their OK to move forward and solicit proposals. Board voted all in favor to sign documents: one letter notifying DTC about BOS intentions and another letter requesting waivers from the 60-day return period—making it 30 days—and from the publication list and using only the T&G for the bid notice. Stan suggested posting the request for volunteers for a Cable Advisory Committee go on the town’s website, which has a new “Broadband News” page. The committee could be 5-7 members and assists the BOS, which is the issuing authority, in establishing a cable franchise.  Discussion followed about the new CAC being involved in negotiations with Comcast along with BOS, or not. Also, it was noted that most communities collect a 4-5% franchise fee, and the opportunity for community TV production to be considered. Selectmen will ask DTC about sample agreements that other towns have that are considered good ones.
5:55 PM  Selectmen asked that a thank-you letter be forwarded to Heritage Bible for use of their chapel for the STM, considered successful with 386 voters attending. The town paid $100 for janitorial fees.
With past meeting minutes on hold until next meeting, board signed warrants.
6:10 PM  voted to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

BOS Referenced Documents:  Financial documents for BAN; Landscaping proposal for the frontage of 194 Worcester Road, BOS letters to DTC and CAC request announcement